Dec 19, 2009

"Singtel staff screws up wires..."

"Singtel staff screws up wires, makes my house look like factory"

Came across this topic on STOMP again.

My first thought. Wa Say. Singaporeans really complained alot. Need the "government" to spoon feed you?

I have been to Malaysia and seen their services there. OMG. You go there complain them, you see a group of people suddenly charge towards you with choppers in their hands. Haha. Serious. If you really go to Malaysia, and describe how Singaporeans complain here and the things they complain, I tell you, they'd laugh their head off in your face and say, "bo liao la!"

I noticed that people who complained about service provider staffs, when they themselves are not polite in the first place. If the role is switched, I bet the situation is even more intensed, with the service even "badder". If they expect good services, then they themselves be polite in the first place!

As one STOMPer commented:" Singtel is not a contractor". People might say helping to tidy the wires are part and parcel of the service Singtel should provide. But have the person think. By requesting it to be wired instead of wireless, untidy wires are part and parcel of being wired! Don't like wires? Then go wireless! Sweet and simple. But these people would rather sit there and cry say untidy, rather than get up and do something about it. What a big cry baby. Expect Lee Kuan Yee spoon feed you, pamper you, and rock you to sleep?

Bo liao

Singapore even got a bo liao choir, i listen liao explode into laughters!! "The indoors are cold, the outdoors are hot, and the humid air, it wrecks my hair" OMG. Even weather is being caused by Singapore?! Apply hair conditional la! Complain only. *Fainted*


  1. Maybe they feel that Singapore will be able to improve when they complain, that's why they complain so much to get noticed and get improvements done.

  2. If Malaysia is really like that, maybe the government can consider sending complainsive people to Malaysia to "suffer" for a year before allowing them to come back to Singapore, haha...

  3. Pay the workers $100 each lo, then they's make your wires look nice nice, haha.一分钱一分货... Pay only so little and expected to be treated like loyal...

  4. Not happy with the service, do yourself lo..

  5. Like that also want to complain

  6. Agree, service is a 2 ways thing. People want cheap and they want to be served like the spent a million dollar for something they actually paid penaut.

  7. Good service deserves good price. You pay what you get!

  8. er very cool blog was bored and so yea stumbled upon this cool blog anyway why your picture so blur lol

  9. least in msia, the govt dun send u to jail for complaining against them. in s'pore, the govt does. try reading up on the operation coldstore. touch up on the history portion, learn abt the real life of sg society & not coop up in ur hdb room. get the fact rite. =)

  10. thanks for your support mr/mrs mountain monkey, will read up as you suggested, and you can continue to stay in your deserted mountains and cry when there's no food instead of looking for it.
